Disable libman

Nguồn:asp.net core - Libman. Error LIB002 during build application - Stack Overflow

So the reason, at least from what I've found, is that the library no longer exists or is not being seen by "cdnjs" provider.

The best way to deal with this is to update the library to a library that "cdnjs" does support. If you in fact already have the library installed consider using the "Disable libman" section.

The below instructions are being done on Visual Studio 2022, mileage may vary for other versions. If you have any issues consider using the "Re-add/Update" section.

Disable libman

  1. Right click libman.json

  2. click on Disable Client-Side Libraries on Build

enter image description here

Update your library

  1. In your libman.json move your cursor over to the left most side of the file but to the right of the line numbers

  2. A little light bulb should show up.

enter image description here

  1. Click on the down arrow

enter image description here

  1. You'll be greeted with a couple of options, Click on Check for updates (in my case I already have the latest version.)

  2. Select the version you want and VS will autofill the version on that line.

Re-add/update your library.

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the name of your Project (This is usually the <NameOfProject>.csproj file)
  2. select Add -> Client-Side Library...

enter image description here

  1. In the dialog box that appears, type jquery@, and then a dropdown list should appear allowing you to select the version you want.

enter image description here enter image description here

  1. Click on the Install button and that will add the new library to your libman.json file. Make sure to also delete the previous library if Visual Studio doesn't do that for you automatically.

enter image description here


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